Strange Tales #138

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The first appearance of Eternity! Doctor Strange meets the living embodiment of Eternity in his mystic adventures. Plus, failing to disable Hydra's Betatron bomb, S.H.I.E.L.D. calls in the assistance of none other than Tony Stark! Stark knows weapons, but does he know Hydra? This release features VeVe-Exclusive Rare & Ultra Rare covers by Nicoletta Baldari. 5 x Cover Variants - Classic Cover: Common - Vintage Variant: Uncommon - Hero Variant: Rare - Vibranium Variant: Ultra Rare - True Believer Variant: Secret Rare © 2022 MARVEL


Veve Floor Price:
Market Cap: $27,500.00
In Circulation: 250
Editions Burnt: 0 (0%)
Release: 29/11/2022
Series: Strange Tales
Licensor: Marvel