Marvel Legacy #1

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The first appearance of the Avengers of 1,000,000 BC! It begins at the dawn of the human race, and ends with a child’s prayer! In between, empires fall, mysteries brew, secrets are revealed, quests are undertaken and legends are forged! All leading up to the dramatic return you’ve been waiting for — and one you’ve been dreading! Jason Aaron (MIGHTY THOR) and Esad Ribic (SECRET WARS) usher in a new dawn — one whose rays will touch every corner of the Marvel Universe in the days to come! This release features VeVe-Exclusive Rare & Ultra Rare covers by Sergio Davila. 5 x Cover Variants - Classic Cover: Common - Vintage Variant: Uncommon - Hero Variant: Rare - Vibranium Variant: Ultra Rare - True Believer Variant: Secret Rare © 2022 MARVEL


Veve Floor Price:
Market Cap: $7,000.00
In Circulation: 2,000
Editions Burnt: 0 (0%)
Release: 16/08/2022
Series: Marvel Legacy
Licensor: Marvel