Amazing Spider-Man #37

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The first appearance of Norman Osborn, the man who would be revealed to be the Green Goblin! The release of the Robot-Master! After Professor Mendel Stromm is let out of jail, Spider-Man keeps close tabs on his former foe. But what is Stromm's connection to Norman Osborn? And what is the Robot- Master planning in his new-found freedom? This release features VeVe-Exclusive Rare & Ultra Rare covers by David Yardin and Frank D’Armata. 5 x Cover Variants - Classic Cover: Common - Vintage Variant: Uncommon - Hero Variant: Rare - Vibranium Variant: Ultra Rare - True Believer Variant: Secret Rare © 2024 MARVEL


Veve Floor Price:
Market Cap: $5,827.50
In Circulation: 601
Editions Burnt: 149 (19.87%)
Release: 06/02/2024
Series: Amazing Spider-Man
Licensor: Marvel