Wolverine #1

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The First Appearance of Hellverine! Acclaimed author Jason Aaron (Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine, Weapon X) and superstar artist Renato Guedes (Action Comics, Adventures of Superman) send Wolverine to hell... literally! Someone's out to destroy Wolverine-permanently-and they may have succeeded. But if Wolverine's soul is in hell, how is his body terrorizing those closest to him? 5 x Cover Variants - Classic Cover: Common - Vintage Variant: Uncommon - Hero Variant: Rare - Vibranium Variant: Ultra Rare - True Believer Variant: Secret Rare © 2024 MARVEL


Veve Floor Price:
Market Cap: $2,664.00
In Circulation: 146
Editions Burnt: 0 (0%)
Release: 03/09/2024
Series: Wolverine 2010
Licensor: Marvel